My grandmother used to make the BEST preserves in the world. I loved being in her kitchen when she was canning. She would can anything she got her hands on and always planted a huge garden so we would have garden fruits, veggies, jams all year round. My craftiness comes from gran. She crocheted, knitted, made her own clothes and I'm sure if she was still with us she would have a Cricut also. It seems in our family craftiness skips a generation so I am looking forward to teaching my grandkids. I pray that everyone is having a wonderful Mother's Day today.
All you need to do is be a follower and post a comment telling me something you love about your mom, grandmother, aunt or any special woman in your life. I will draw a winner on Sunday May 29th. I am sorry but I am only able to afford postage within the U.S.

MY MOM was the most crafty person in the world... I MISS her so name it she could do it...The best German Chocalte cake won blue ribbons at the fairs..Thanks for the wonderful blog cnady & BEEing a follower
Rebecca Minor
My mom has never been on a computer, never seen my blog, and wouldn't know an iphone from an ipad, but she's my inspiration and who I want to be most like. She is my rock and I am so very lucky to be able to call her MOM.
I love my mom's personality. (I am pretty sure I got hers) We always have the best time together, and we are going to Europe together this summer, and I couldn't be more excited to travel with her! She is super outgoing, and always make me smile. I wish I lived closer to her, cause she is also the best person to shop with too! She is an AMAZING mom and love her so much!
cherie.goyer at
My mom is the most wonderful, caring, loving person I know. When I was younger, all my friends wanted to play at my house because my mom is so great. When she had knee surgery that required a two day stay, so many people sent flowers, nurses from other floors came to see the "flower shop." And I have roommates from college that still keep in touch with her. The best compliment anyone could pay me is to say that I remind them of my mom :)
Happy Mother's Day!
When I was growing up there was an older couple that lived next door. They became our "grandparents" by association. They were the most wonderful people ever. They took care of myself and my 2 sisters many times and we always loved going next door just to hang out. Grandma Anne we called her made the best strawberry preserves and while she was making it she would scrape off the foam that collected on the top and serve it to us over ice cream. That has to be one of many of my fondest memories of her!
Thanks for the chance to win :)
My mom is an inspiration to me. She sat with me the whole 26hrs of labor when my son was born. She always put us kids first and i wouldn't be the person i am today without her.
Happy Mother's Day. My aunt use to live in the house across from us and I remember on Sundays my aunt made the best apple pie I ever taste in my life. Thank you for being so generous in Honor and in Memory of your Gran.
My Mom was my rock she had the heart of an angel and made me who I am today. I miss her but her strength is in me. Thanks for the chance to win.
later tater,
My mom is very crafty! She is the one who bought me my first cricut and got me started in crafting! Thanks for the chance to win!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
Happy Mother's Day to you! Oh to pick out one thing about my mom is very hard to do. My Momma is always there for me, she is supportive and always has an encouraging word for me when I am feeling down. She is my best friend and I love her!
Such a nice story and give away :). I love my mom... Shes always so funny and I think my best memory of her will forever be her sense of humor. She always knows how to make me laugh no matter what and I like to think I got a little of her gift :). Shes also the best mom anyone could ask for.. shes always there for me when I need her no matter what and she has always stood up for me and my bro and would fight to the death for either of us. She took care of my bro and myself all by herself. Shes so strong and I hope that some day my little girl will have half as nice things to say about me :) Thanks for the chance to win.
Happy Mother's Day. I'm a follower of yours. My Grandma was very special to me all growing up. We would play go fish, gin, crazy eights. She would tell me stories before bed, and let me add to them as was saying them. She would drive over to my house every morning to take me to school, and then again from school to home just so I didn't have to walk. She encouraged me, nurtured me, loved me. She treated me as if she was my own mom. When I got older, we were best friends. We'd bowl, watch tv, and talk on the phone every single day a couple times per day. I could always count on her no matter what dumb thing I did. I miss her terribly.
I don't know where to start counting my blessings with all the wonderful ladies in my life. My mother is absolutely the best. My granny is very crafty, she crochets, sews, plants a garden and until just a couple years ago she pushed mowed her own yard and she will be 85 this month. She also makes the best hamburgers in the world. My other grandma -- we used to always eat Sunday dinner with her and she milked a cow and would make up homemade whipped cream with fresh strawberries -- you talk about good! Last but not least my mother-in-law well she is the greatest too! Thanks for a chance to win and I'm also a new follower.
At 84 years young--my Mom is still going strong. She is a whiz at sewing and embroidering. She has embroidered duvet covers for each of her 6 grandchildren--as well as samplers for her greats. She is wonderful.
I would love to win this cart.
I hiope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Thank you for the chance to win. :-)
My mom was a wonderful, loving woman. She loved my brother and I in a way that we could actually feel it and still do even though she died in 1973 when I was just 17. She made my clothes, permed my hair, cut my bangs too short, and did all the things great moms do and I feel so lucky every day to have had her in my life for as long as I did.
What a wonderful giveaway! I have amazing memories of my grandma "Uphill". When she and my grandpa moved to town, the way we distinguished between our grandma's was "uphill" and "downhill" for obvious reasons as one lived on a big hill and the other didn't. We were just little kids back then but it stuck all these 30 years later. She was a wonderful cook. She made the BEST homemade bread ever!!! I went thru all her recipes after she passed hoping to find it but apparently it went with her. I think she made it without a recipe. I'm not sure they ever had a loaf of store bought bread in the house. She was a wonderful lady!
well i will tell you about my grandmother - she could do no wrong as far as i was concerned. she made the perfect apple turnovers, ice-tea & gave me my fav ice-cream as hers was mint chocolate . my fav now! she taught me to play cards, take care of my nails and make them pretty and so much more. I grew up in foster care and when I was allowed a stay at my grandmothers - I was at my happiest. She took me shopping and made me feel wonderful! She is in heaven now and I am a grandmother.. so making memories with my granddaughters!
I had wonderful memories of spending time with my GRandma growing up. Spent the summers with her and she taught me to bake cookies and clean house, iron, play canasta, spades and cribbage. Every meal she seemed to empty her entire refrigerator onto the table just in case someone wanted something.
lauermaa at gmail dot com
I love that my mom comes to visit every summer and will stay with us for a month. She lives very far away, so the time we get with her is very special.
desaucier at bellsouth dot net
Happy Mothers Day to you! I love that my Mom is an enabler, if I do something that I know I shouldn't like splurge on craft supplies or have two servings of dessert my Mom is by my side telling me I deserve it! That always makes me laugh!
What a wonderful giveaway. I will tell you about my Aunt... She is the most special and has a heart of gold.
As I was growing up, I was extremely close to my grandmother. I loved her "Say what is on your mind" personality and I am just like her. Although she passed away 10 years ago, I still think of her everyday.
Thanks for the chance,
Carson's Creations
coachfans at cox dot net
Wow...what beautiful comments from all the ladies above! Truly moms, grandmas and women are the back bone of our society! What strength, love, wisdom and endurance they have imparted! My mom and granny are so special to me. My granny's health is really failing and it is so hard to see her this way...She is such a woman of faith and mom too! I know I have my faith in big part to them...Both could grow the most beautiful flowers! True green thumbs...the only pretty flowers I can grow are...."paper" Thank you for the chance to share about them and for the wonderful blog candy!
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